The Challenge
Following closure of a manufacturing facility, it was necessary to hand back the PPC permit. IKM Consulting was requested to provide technical assistance and support to our client; the Principal Contractor tasked with remediating that site. There were a number of areas of concern on the site, including a solvent plume in groundwater and areas of hydrocarbon contamination in soil.
Utilising over a decade of experience gained whilst working at the site, IKM was able to offer the following services:
- Information review and assessment of Relevant Hazardous Substances (RHS)
- Site investigation design
- Investigation supervision and scheduling
- Generic and detailed quantitative risk assessment
- Regulatory liaison
- Interpretative reporting
The return of the PPC permit will allow the site redevelopment plans to progress with building a large-scale facility geared to supporting the sustainability and decarbonisation sectors.
The Solution
Relevant Hazardous Substance Assessment
IKM supported the Contractor, our client, with the review of Relevant Hazardous Substances held and used on thesite. This identified the locations of storage and use, and the likelihood of substance being lost to soil and groundwater based on the volume stored, method of containment, type of secondary and tertiary containment,and means of transfer. The site incident records were also reviewed. Where a risk was identified, assessment was targeted in these locations.
Site Investigation Design
Following this exercise, a risk assessment was undertaken and the results of this used to design the site investigation and prepare an investigation specification for review by the Regulator, SEPA.
Site Investigation Support and Supervision
During the site investigation, IKM provided a site engineer to complement the contractor team to supervise and loga series of trial pits. During the investigation, IKM was able to review draft logs and sample lists and scheduled chemical testing so that laboratory sample holding times were met.
Interpretative Reporting
On receipt of the laboratory results, IKM prepared aninterpretative report, addressing risks identified inthe conceptual site model and RHS assessment.
IKM used site investigation data to create site drawings showing the extent of solvent contamination in groundwater through time. These were then used by the contractor to design an in-situ remediation solution.
Supplementary GI
IKM prepared recommendations for supplementary ground investigation to improve understanding of site conditions in specific areas.