Environmental Management | Scotland


Environmental Management Consultant
Environmental Management & Compliance Consultant
environmental consultant encow

The Challenge

IKM was appointed by Story Contracting Ltd (Story) to provide environmental support for their project at Redbridge Viaduct. The structure crosses the River Tweed by Galashiels. It had been established that the bridge piers were affected by ongoing scour from the river, and that
engineering works were required to protect the piers.

An engineering solution was proposed and approved in principle by others. In general terms the remedial works were to comprise in-stream works to:
excavate out the existing stream bed, repair scour holes at the piers and install a concrete mattress to reinforce the bed at the piers.

However, the River Tweed is a SSSI and SAC. It is also subject to full regulatory control under the Water Environment (Controlled Activities)
(Scotland) Regulations 2011. Therefore, to progress the proposal, it was necessary to apply for and secure a CAR Complex Licence for in-stream
works from SEPA. This would involve liaison with SEPA and other stakeholders such as The River Tweed Commissioners (RTC) and Scottish
Natural Heritage (SNH) at least 4 months in advance of any works commencing.

The Solution

Initially, IKM’s environmental team prepared and submitted the necessary CAR application and undertook 3rd party and regulatory liaison.

During the planning process, our team of ecologists provided supplementary information including baseline ecology surveys and a Habitat Regulations Appraisal (HRA), during which consideration was given to the potential impact of the proposed works on bats, otters and barn owls.

The design subsequently received full planning approval and all associated planning conditions were discharged.

The design was also authorised under the Controlled Activities Regulations (CAR). As conditioned with the CAR licence, IKM prepared and submitted a Detailed Construction Method Statement (DCMA) to SEPA. The DCMS outlined the requirement for a qualified EnCoW to monitor activities on site and advise on environmental risk and mitigation.

During construction IKM went on to provide Environmental Clerk of Works (EnCoW) support on this significant railway infrastructure project.

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