Environmental Construction Management Support | Scotland


Environmental marine-licensing-consultant

The Challenge

IKM Consulting Ltd (IKM) was commissioned by Story Contracting Ltd (Story) to provide Environmental support for the Invercoe Bridge Replacement Project in Glencoe.

The existing reinforced Invercoe Bridge was being replaced by a 2-span, 60-metre-long structure. A temporary bridge needed to be installed to maintain access, the existing bridge demolished, and a new bridge substructure, superstructure and deck constructed. The temporary bridge then needed to be removed and scour works installed.

Where the Invercoe Bridge spans the River Coe there are nine statutory designated sites located within 5km of the structure. As the works will be conducted below Mean High Water Springs, all the construction engineering works will need to comply with the Marine Licence. The construction works had to adhere to the sensitive time periods for wildlife and migratory species. The Marine Licence had strict time periods in which works could be undertaken within the channel. Silt management, surface water run-off and dewatering all had to be carefully managed whilst taking into consideration the changing tides times and ensuring that the passage of fish was maintained at all times.

The Solution

IKM worked closely with Story Contracting to review the Marine Licence to ensure that the proposed temporary works complied with all the Conditions stipulated within the licence. IKM also undertook 3rd party liaison with the fisheries to ensure that all comments and concerns were addressed within the proposed methodology. IKM worked with Story to develop a temporary culvert design, to ensure the passage of migratory fish was maintained.

IKM’s team of ecologists provided supplementary information including Preliminary Ecological Appraisal to determine the potential and confirmed ecology constraints and provide mitigation recommendations. Consideration was given to the potential impact of the proposed works on bats, badgers, otters, water voles, red squirrels, pine martens and reptiles.

To support the construction works and comply with the requirements of the tender, IKM developed both a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP), a Detailed Construction Method Statement (DCMS) and Noise & Vibration Management Plan. These documents detailed the required best practice which had to be followed and the mitigation which needed to be installed to protect the environment.

The DCMS outlined the requirement for a qualified EnCoW to monitor activities on site and advise on environmental risk and mitigation. Having an EnCoW also ensured good housekeeping and professionalism since the site was very accessible and open to the public eye. The EnCoW provided staff with tool-box talk training, undertook regular water quality monitoring and site inspections to ensure compliance with licence conditions. The EnCoW was onsite during each activity which was deemed to be of high risk, to monitor the sensitive receptors and ensure that the environment was protected.

The Outcome

The project has received good feedback from the general public on efficiency and professionalism. No records of pollution were recorded regarding water environment quality for the duration of the construction works and there were no complaints received regarding noise or air pollution.

All works were completed in a manner which allowed the protection of the local residents and wildlife while adhering to the construction program and complying with the time stipulations within the Marine Licence.

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