Groundwater and Surface Water Management

Our environmental team can provide hydrology and hydrogeological services from groundwater and surface water management plans (SWMP) to Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS), flood risk assessments, and peat management plans (PMP).

Our multidisciplinary environmental, engineering and geotechnical engineering teams work to provide an integrated approach to managing risk throughout the lifecycle of a project, not just at construction stage.

We develop comprehensive solutions to ensure we minimize scope creep and maximise cost effectiveness and scheduling.

Groundwater and Surface Water Management

Hydrology & Hydrogeological Services

  • Hydrogeological / Groundwater Risk Assessments
  • Contaminant Fate and Transport Modelling
  • Groundwater Flow Modelling
  • Groundwater Abstraction Feasibility Assessments
  • Private Water Supply Assessments
  • Groundwater monitoring and testing
  • Hydrogeological testing including borehole / well pumping tests

→ Establishing baseline conditions of the site

→ Mitigation measures for pollutants found before commencement

Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMP) for planning applications

→ Licenses, permits and consent support for planning applications

→ Regulatory liaison & authorisations

→ Masterplanning optimisation

→ Onsite Supervision (EnCoW and ECoW) support to demonstrate to regulators construction activities are not adversely affecting aquatic receptors

→ Demonstrate environmental monitoring and management with granted consent

→ Identify mitigation measures for ongoing construction works

→ Materials Management and re-use

Temporary Works Design

Noise & Vibration Monitoring

→ Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) / Discharge Consent

→ Assessment of mitigation measures where discharge conditions are not met

→ Regulatory liaison to ensure mitigation measures are appropriate to ensuring aquatic receptors are not adversely affected