Geotechnical Engineering
Our geotechnical engineering expertise underpins projects in construction, renewables, development and industrial environments. Our team helps prevent project delays and overspends by providing pragmatic solutions and technical advice. Our work helps to form the foundations of planning, design, construction and maintenance choices from the outset.
Cost Effective Geotechnical Services
Engineering Design Solutions
- Geotechnical engineering design. Includes bearing capacity, stress and settlement calculations.
- Ground modelling and detailed interpretation of geotechnical investigation data, including preparation of Eurocode 7 compliant GIR and GDR
- Foundation design. Shallow ground bearing foundation design, including pad footings and rafts. Deep pile foundation design, including driven piles and cast in-situ piles.
- Crane pad design and assessments such as ground bearing capacity checks and assisting with outrigger spreader mats selection to suit site conditions and expected loads.
- Temporary works design and certification. Temporary works design including open-cut and shored excavation design, cantilever sheet pile walls, geogrid reinforced haul roads, working platforms and category 3 checks of designs undertaken by others.
- Investigation Supervisor. We undertake the role of investigation Supervisor to ensure the quality of the ground investigation.
- Tank settlement analysis. Interpretation of geotechnical site investigations to determine ground parameters used to predict the settlement of the tank over its lifespan.
- Riverbank erosion assessment and remediation. Assessment of riverbank failures adjacent to site infrastructure and loading facilities.
- Slope stability assessment including the design of new cut and/or fill soil slopes and assessment of failed soil slopes.
- Construction phase geotechnical support such as inspecting formation level prior to the construction of ground bearing foundations.
- Coal Mining Risk Assessment (CMRA)
- Peat Surveys and Stability Assessments

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