Ecology Surveys
Our ecology team is experienced in carrying out a wide variety of specialist ecology surveys. We offer protected species surveys including licensed species and monitoring. We are also experienced in carrying out Habitat Regulation Assessments (HRA) and assisting our clients with their Biodiversity Net Gain commitments.
Protected Species Ecology Surveys
- Badgers
- Bats
- Birds
- Red Squirrels
- Pine Martens
- Wildcats
- Invasive Plants
- Great Crested Newts
- Reptiles
- Otters
- Water voles
- Beavers
- Fish Habitats
- Fresh Water Pearl Mussels
- White Clawed Crayfish
Habitats Regulations Assessments (HRA)
An HRA is required under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (as amended) and considers the impacts of plans and proposed developments on Natura 2000 sites. This is usually carried out by the competent authority and IKM can provide the necessary information through detailed surveys and research to assist in completing the HRA. IKM have also completed shadow HRA where this has then been adopted by the competent authority in close consultation with Nature Scot.
Biodiversity Net Gain
Biodiversity Net Gain is fast becoming the benchmark to ensure that every development leaves biodiversity in a better state than pre-development. This can be through a variety of measures both within the site and, where necessary, off-site (off-setting). Many developers are designing net gain into their development projects and some authorities are already mandating this with many types of applications. We are currently assisting a number of clients in attaining their net gain objectives.
Ecological Risk Register
For many projects prior to carrying out detailed and potentially time-consuming surveys it is no possible to provide definite answers in terms of impacts to a project and potential time and expense implications. This can lead to unexpected delays and costs and have a negative impact on other disciplines delivering elements. At IKM we can assist in providing risk registers tailored to your project to assist in minimising these surprises and allow for movement in project programme. We find this a useful tool which is constantly updated throughout the life of a project as new information becomes available.
Licensed Species Monitoring
When considering the redevelopment or demolition of existing buildings, there is often a requirement to assess the potential for the presence of protected species. IKM’s experienced ecologists specialise in ecology surveys for protected species, such as bats and birds (including barn owl). Our licenced ecologists can assist and advise on your proposed development and help you through the process.
Tree Climbing
We have a team of trained tree climbers, including licensed bat workers, who are able to carry out aerial ecology survey inspections of trees for evidence of, or potential for, roosting bats and nesting birds.