Ecological Licensing & Mitigation
IKM’s ecology team have extensive ecological licensing and mitigation experience and hold licences for great crested newts, bats, badgers, otters, wildcats and schedule 1 birds. We also have considerable experience of preparing protected species licence applications. We produce these in a timely manner using our approved Species Protection Plan (SPP) template and have never had a licence application refused. We can assist in providing mitigation advice and monitoring of protected species and have developed trusted relationships with the regulators.
Development Licensing Advice
Having to undertake works that require a derogation licence (i.e. would otherwise be illegal) should always be a last resort. Precedence should always be given to methods or designs that do not require an ecological licence. However, where there is deemed to be no alternative, IKM can assist by providing practical advice, giving guidance on potential options, and setting out the requirements of any licence applications. IKM work closely with SNH to ensure that each application is prepared in accordance with best practice guidance and expert advice.

Species Protection Plans
IKM has considerable experience of preparing protected species licence applications on behalf of our clients. We produce these in a timely manner using our approved Species Protection Plan (SPP) template and have never had a licence application refused.

Enhancement and Mitigation Design
Well thought out enhancement and mitigation schemes can go a long way in compensating any impact, particularly for species that require a very specific set of environmental conditions.
IKM use our extensive knowledge of ecological licensing, habitats and species to design schemes that will replace existing habitats and lead to the overall improvement of the local environment. From habitat creation schemes to the provision of artificial resting places (such as bat roosts or fencing) or tunnel design, to allow safe crossing for amphibians, otter and badgers, IKM can help.

Bat Roost Exclusion
IKM’s experienced, licenced bat ecologists have undertaken many roost exclusions as part of licenced works. In all cases the licencing process has been developed with the use of contemporary quality data and agreed with SNH through the licencing process.
IKM recognises that each exclusion is different and needs careful planning and execution to make sure it is successful. Sometimes it is not possible to effectively execute an exclusion in the traditional sense, and IKM can assist in providing advice on alternative methods and techniques that can be used. This will always be agreed in advance through a Species Protection Plan, approved by SNH.

Habitat and Species Translocation
Sometimes seen as a last resort, IKM have advised and undertaken species translocation as part of our work. This work has ranged from the successful relocation of individual plants to a receptor site, to large scale habitat translocation within internationally designated sites.
IKM ecologists have completed reptile translocations in the Scottish Highlands including selecting and enhancing receptor sites where required and carrying these out under an agreed method statement.

Badger Sett Exclusions and Artificial Sett Design
IKM has been involved in major infrastructure projects working with a significant number of badger setts. Whilst the mitigation hierarchy is used wherever possible, it is sometimes not possible to mitigate the loss of a badger sett. We have assisted in the design and build of several artificial badger setts in close consultation with NatureScot to agree on a design, location and monitoring.