Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA)

The IKM ecology team have a wide and varied portfolio of projects where we have provided Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA) and mitigation design in support of planning applications across a range of sectors. Our approach to EcIA is proportionate to the development being assessed and we believe in a fully transparent methodology which is underpinned by the mitigation hierarchy (Avoidance – Mitigation – Compensation – Enhancement – Offsetting). We carry out EcIA following CIEEMs guidelines and provide support through the following stages of the EcIA.


Screening, Scoping & Consultation

Following Screening, the IKM approach is to assist in identifying the key ecological risks and provide input the Scoping phase of the Ecological Impact Assessment (EIA) process.  As part of this IKM can engage with the local authority or provide input into reports providing professional opinion on the likely requirements as part of any wider impact assessment being submitted.  IKM can also input to and attend public consultation events, including graphics and maps to display pertinent ecological information.

ECIA - Ecological Baseline Assessment

Baseline Ecological Surveys

The IKM ecology team are experienced in carrying out baseline ecological surveys (PEA) and further detailed ecological surveys to confirm presence/absence of potential ecological constraints and to inform the ecological impact assessment.  Whilst PEA surveys can be undertaken at any time of year, species specific surveys are often seasonal and therefore restricted in when they can be completed.  See the IKM survey calendar to make sure you do not miss a survey season for your site.


Ecological Impacts & Mitigation

The ecological impact assessment process should be iterative and informed by detailed and high-quality data.  IKM work to achieve this through the staged approach of the PEA assisting high level decision, detailed species / group surveys to further refine and assist in decisions in accordance with the mitigation hierarchy and to provide advice to ‘design out’ or reduce ecological impacts as a result of a proposed scheme.  This may take several attempts before a design freeze can take place depending on the input from other disciplines and external sources.  Once defined IKM can assist the practical and pragmatic mitigation scheme design to mitigate predicted impacts.

Environmental Statement

Environmental Statement

Following the collection of all baseline data and design freeze, an ecology and nature conservation chapter will be provided, in accordance with best practice guidance and professional judgement to consider the significant impacts, mitigations and residual effects of the proposed development.  Associated technical and non-technical appendices will be produced to supplement the main chapter, as required.

The IKM team have experience in producing comprehensive and detailed chapters for a range of developments and work closely with the project team and other disciplines to produce high quality outputs