CAR Licensing (Controlled Activities)

CAR licensing (Controlled Activities) for the Water Environment (Scotland) Regulations 2011 – is commonly referred to as the Controlled Activity Regulations (CAR).

The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) requires operators of construction sites in Scotland to obtain a CAR licence prior to starting work dependent on the site conditions and our environmental consulting team can help ensure your compliance with controlled activities relating to:

  • Rivers
  • Lochs
  • Transitional waters (estuaries)
  • Coastal waters groundwater
  • Groundwater dependent wetlands.

CAR licensing will also require the operator to adhere to and implement a Pollution Prevention Plan approved by SEPA and include:

  • Construction impact on the water environment including ecological habitats
  • Potential pollution pathways and mitigation measures
  • Site drainage and SuDS
  • Onsite inspections and management of controlled activities

IKM’s team of environmental management consultants can provide support to prepare the Pollution Prevention Plan to successfully obtain your CAR licence.

Our team has ex-regulator experience and good working relationships with local regulators to ensure your project remains compliant with all consents.

CAR-Licensing SEPA

→ Geotechnical Engineering

→ Water Environment

Environmental Licensing, Permits & Consents