Planners, Architects and Developers – Are you ready for Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)

IKM News • Updated January 2024

Planning has an important role in helping to address damage to nature by ensuring that positive effects on biodiversity under the National Planning Framework, NPF4, are delivered effectively.

This requires a new approach, one that halts and reverses biodiversity loss and better connects habitats and biodiversity rich areas.  Simply minimising damage and replacing lost habitats and species will not address the decline in Scotland’s biodiversity.” (NatureScot, 2023)

There is now a focus on development proposals contributing to the enhancement of biodiversity, restoring degraded habitats and building and strengthening nature networks.  That’s where our team can support your next project with our comprehensive BNG services:

✅ Project-Level Assessments: We offer BNG assessments and plans tailored to your project.

✅ Strategic Advice: Offering guidance for planning permission and regulatory liaison.

✅ Avoidance & minimisation: Helping decisions throughout the planning process and informing designs, where the greatest opportunity exists to provide a positive outcome.

✅ Taking Account: With early consideration of the opportunities to provide for nature and appropriate siting and design, even the smallest of projects and sites will be able to support and provide benefits for biodiversity.

Recent Win: Recently, we surveyed over 100 miles of construction corridors, ensuring all ecological constraints were appropriately assessed and managed.  Our real-time data collection helped clients to stay on schedule without harming any protected species!

Curious to know how our team can support your project? Get in touch today!

#BiodiversityNetGain #DevelopmentPlanning #SustainableProjects


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